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      • Monthly Revenue
          Current Year Revenue
          Operating Revenue (2024) (Unit:NTD'000)
        Month Operating revenue Cumulative operating revenue
        Current month revenues Month-on-month against preceding year Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) Cumulative revenues - current year Cumulative revenues - preceding year Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%)
        Jan. 458,709 375,026 22.31 458,709 375,026 22.31
        Feb. 429,729 412,621 4.15 888,438 787,647 12.80
        Mar. 466,362 471,752 -1.14 1,354,800 1,259,399 7.58
        Apr. 460,474 468,140 -1.64 1,815,274 1,727,539 5.08
          Historical Monthly Revenue
          Operating Revenue (2023) (Unit:NTD'000)
        Month Operating revenue Cumulative operating revenue
        Current month revenues Month-on-month against preceding year Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) Cumulative revenues - current year Cumulative revenues - preceding year Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%)
        Jan. 375,026 598,978 -37.39 375,026 598,978 -37.39
        Feb. 412,621 520,410 -20.71 787,647 1,119,388 -29.64
        Mar. 471,752 642,923 -26.62 1,259,399 1,762,311 -28.54
        Apr. 468,140 583,835 -19.82 1,727,539 2,346,146 -26.37
        May 499,423 573,044 -12.85 2,226,962 2,919,190 -23.71
        Jun. 473,191 492,429 -3.91 2,700,153 3,411,619 -20.85
        Jul. 486,123 490,820 -0.96 3,186,276 3,902,439 -18.35
        Aug. 521,187 453,201 15.00 3,707,463 4,355,640 -14.88
        Sept. 492,585 414,198 18.93 4,200,048 4,769,838 -11.95
        Oct. 505,531 383,145 31.94 4,705,579 5,152,983 -8.68
        Nov. 465,477 392,298 18.65 5,171,056 5,545,281 -6.75
        Dec. 489,115 461,525 5.98 5,660,171 6,006,806 -5.77
          Operating Revenue (2022) (Unit:NTD'000)
        Month Operating revenue Cumulative operating revenue
        Current month revenues Month-on-month against preceding year Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) Cumulative revenues - current year Cumulative revenues - preceding year Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%)
        Jan. 598,978 574,950 4.18 598,978 574,950 4.18
        Feb. 520,410 492,954 5.57 1,119,388 1,067,904 4.82
        Mar. 642,923 642,876 0.01 1,762,311 1,710,780 3.01
        Apr. 583,835 651,712 -10.42 2,346,146 2,362,492 -0.69
        May 573,044 654,970 -12.51 2,919,190 3,017,462 -3.26
        Jun. 492,429 687,660 -28.39 3,411,619 3,705,122 -7.92
        Jul. 490,820 699,171 -29.80 3,902,439 4,404,293 -11.39
        Aug. 453,201 713,962 -36.52 4,355,640 5,118,255 -14.90
        Sept. 414,198 647,968 -36.08 4,769,838 5,766,223 -17.28
        Oct. 383,145 664,131 -42.31 5,152,983 6,430,354 -19.86
        Nov. 392,298 668,860 -41.35 5,545,281 7,099,214 -21.89
        Dec. 461,525 634,088 -27.21 6,006,806 7,733,302 -22.33
          Operating Revenue (2021) (Unit:NTD'000)
        Month Operating revenue Cumulative operating revenue
        Current month revenues Month-on-month against preceding year Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) Cumulative revenues - current year Cumulative revenues - preceding year Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%)
        Jan. 574,950 366,319 56.95 574,950 366,319 56.95
        Feb. 492,954 440,430 11.93 1,067,904 806,749 32.37
        Mar. 642,876 474,988 35.35 1,710,780 1,281,737 33.47
        Apr. 651,712 441,899 47.48 2,362,492 1,723,636 37.06
        May 654,970 437,315 49.77 3,017,462 2,160,951 39.64
        Jun. 687,660 408,821 68.21 3,705,122 2,569,772 44.18
        Jul. 699,171 445,881 56.81 4,404,293 3,015,653 46.05
        Aug. 713,962 459,811 55.27 5,118,255 3,475,464 47.27
        Sept. 647,968 459,608 40.98 5,766,223 3,935,072 46.53
        Oct. 664,131 488,162 36.05 6,430,354 4,423,234 45.38
        Nov. 668,860 500,825 33.55 7,099,214 4,924,059 44.17
        Dec. 634,088 533,527 18.85 7,733,302 5,457,586 41.70
          Operating Revenue (2020) (Unit:NTD'000)
        Month Operating revenue Cumulative operating revenue
        Current month revenues Month-on-month against preceding year Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) Cumulative revenues - current year Cumulative revenues - preceding year Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%)
        Jan. 366,319 358,362 2.22 366,319 358,362 2.22
        Feb. 440,430 283,373 55.42 806,749 641,735 25.71
        Mar. 474,988 348,688 36.22 1,281,737 990,423 29.41
        Apr. 441,899 355,940 24.15 1,723,636 1,346,363 28.02
        May 437,315 414,864 5.41 2,160,951 1,761,227 22.70
        Jun. 408,821 401,423 1.84 2,569,772 2,162,650 18.83
        Jul. 445,881 436,297 2.20 3,015,653 2,598,947 16.03
        Aug. 459,811 437,345 5.14 3,475,464 3,036,292 14.46
        Sept. 459,608 426,525 7.76 3,935,072 3,462,817 13.64
        Oct. 488,162 432,766 12.80 4,423,234 3,895,583 13.54
        Nov. 500,825 402,294 24.49 4,924,059 4,297,877 14.57
        Dec. 533,527 421,513 26.57 5,457,586 4,719,390 15.64
          Operating Revenue (2019) (Unit:NTD'000)
        Month Operating revenue Cumulative operating revenue
        Current month revenues Month-on-month against preceding year Increase/decrease month-on-month against the preceding year (%) Cumulative revenues - current year Cumulative revenues - preceding year Increase/decrease against the preceding period (%)
        Jan. 358,362 485,178 -26.14 358,362 485,178 -26.14
        Feb. 283,373 394,984 -28.26 641,735 880,162 -27.09
        Mar. 348,688 537,914 -35.18 990,423 1,418,076 -30.16
        Apr. 355,940 412,403 -13.69 1,346,363 1,830,479 -26.45
        May 414,864 446,237 -7.03 1,761,227 2,276,716 -22.64
        Jun. 401,423 415,426 -3.37 2,162,650 2,692,142 -19.67
        Jul. 436,297 452,251 -3.53 2,598,947 3,144,393 -17.35
        Aug. 437,345 469,548 -6.86 3,036,292 3,613,941 -15.98
        Sept. 426,525 422,797 0.88 3,462,817 4,036,738 -14.22
        Oct. 432,766 441,370 -1.95 3,895,583 4,478,108 -13.01
        Nov. 402,294 405,307 -0.74 4,297,877 4,883,415 -11.99
        Dec. 421,513 359,544 17.24 4,719,390 5,242,959 -9.99