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      • Salary and Benefits

        Our employees are our most important assets. In addition to providing our employees with a humanistic and safe working environment, we also share our business profits with our employees by providing them with compensation that is better than the industry standard, based on business performance.
        Performance-oriented compensation system
        Outstanding talents deserve first-class compensation. In order to attract, encourage, and retain superior talents, our company provides impressive and highly competitive compensation packages that are determined by work importance and difficulty, as well as different salaries and bonuses based on individual performance. For example, a performance bonus may be given irregularly depending on both the company's performance and an individual's performance. Furthermore, 10% of the company's earnings will be distributed annually as employee bonuses to maintain the competitiveness of our talent and show employees our sincerity in keeping professionals.

        We not only follow the basic requirements stipulated by labor laws, but also participate in local salary gatherings to ensure that competitive compensation is provided. An employee's compensation is further determined based on his/her education, experience, performance, and market standards, without discrimination on gender, race, religion, political position, or marital status.
        Sound retirement system
          Since November 1986, we have complied with the Labor Standards Act and established a Supervisory Committee of Labor Retirement Reserve to allocate retirement reserves to a special account in the Central Trust of China every month. As of the end of 2013, the balance of this pension account is $377,191,000. An employee of this company can apply for a pension once meeting the requirements of retirement; thusly, the rights of employees are protected and they can be free to work without worries. Thanks to the help of a professional accounting consultant, we are able to provide our employees actuarial pensions to ensure allocation with full amounts to protect the rights of employees who apply for their pensions in the future.

        Since 1 July 2005, in accordance with the Labor Pension Act, we have offered our employees a retirement system that complies with the Labor Standards Act, have provided an actuarial allocation rate of the retirement reserve considering the factors of labor numbers, wage, years of service, and turnover rate applicable to the years of service prior to the promulgation of the Labor Pension Act, and have allocated retirement reserves with a full amount every month within five years. For those to which the Labor Pension Act applies, we contribute 6% of their monthly employee salary towards their pension in accordance with the Wages Classification List.
        Parental leave without payment
          The Labor Standards Act dictates all of our leave systems and we fully support the government policy of parental leave without payment. An HR representative interviews the employees applying for the leave in person and then applies for an allowance relevant to labor insurance on their behalf. Furthermore, employees can voluntarily reinstate themselves earlier than scheduled, which will be handled on a case-by-case basis. All of the employees who have taken advantage of this program are very grateful for this comprehensive measure of parental leave without payment.
        Employee Benefits
          (1). Listed Stock, Employee Bonus Plan, and Employee Ownership Plans Trust (ESOP).
        (2). Moon Festival and Year-end Bonuses
        (3). Gift coupons for employee's birthday, three holidays, wedding, and for condolences.
        (4). Diverse company trips.
        (5). Employee check-ups.
        (6). Nursery room, plant infirmary, field doctor for consultation, and contracted hospital.
        (7). Labor and health insurance and labor pension fund.
        Clubs, work-related learning events, and leisure activities
          We have a variety of clubs and work-related learning activities for colleagues to pursue their various interests and relax outside of work. Family is also one of the company's priorities so we try to improve family relationships and encourage togetherness under the company through a variety of family activities.
        The Week of Lingsen Labor's Safety and Health-Dakeng Hiking Family Day-Taipei Muzha Zoo
        Mountaineering Club Softball Club
        Bowling Club Badminton Club

        Occupational Safety and Health
        A safe and healthy workplace is the only way to create better products and quality for all of our stakeholders. In order to provide such a workplace, we comply with local related laws for the management of a variety of daily operations and have introduced the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSAS18001, 2007) to continue improving our workplace through documentation, planning, implementation, auditing, improvement, and prevention of the management system to satisfy each and every customer.

        People, building/machinery/equipment, raw material/waste, and operation environment were selected as the four focuses in our promotion of the OHSAS. We endeavor to prevent occupational accidents through the following: controlling hazard identification and risk evaluation; safe procurement management of machinery, equipment, and materials; safe management of contractor entrances; safety and health education of employees; providing and managing protective gear; sampling and testing in the workplace; health promotion of employee care; emergency management; and project management, as well as the ongoing improvement of all of the aforementioned matters by the PDCA management cycle.